Do Appetite Suppressants really work?

Do Appetite Suppressants really work?

June 28, 2021

This topic has a lot of controversy behind it, but let’s clear some things up, shall we? Appetite Suppressants really do work! They can even be beneficial to your overall health. The main reason someone should take Appetite Suppressants is not only for dieting but also to break negative eating habits that are affecting their overall health. Let’s take for example someone who is high anxiety and stress eats. This is a very negative scenario where this individual is continually gaining weight and stress eats more because they are stressing about gaining weight, creating a negative cycle that is tough for that individual to break out of. Taking Appetite Suppressant pills will curb that individuals craving to eat when stressed, allowing them to find an alternative solution such as exercise or eating smaller portions.

Another example is if someone has fluctuating blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar fluctuates, more particularly when it drops, your body requires glucose in order to elevate it and signals to your brain that you need to eat. This causes someone to eat without the need to. Whatever the reason for overeating, it’s not a healthy thing and appetite suppressants can greatly help with that habit as well as your overall health.

Prescription appetite suppressants address hunger cravings from the source, the brain. The chemicals work within the hypothalamus to tell it to stop sending out hunger signals, much like receptor blockers. Appetite suppressants regulate the hormones associated with hunger, and what the body does when it thinks that it is in need of more food. Essentially, the appetite suppressants release a neurotransmitter, when triggered, is known as the “fight or flight” response. This tells the brain, food is not needed at this time. Many times, those who are obese are getting hunger signals for reasons other than the real need for food.

Small amounts of adrenaline and epinephrine are also released in the brain when triggered by appetite suppressants. When this happens, the body can begin to break down stored fat reserves and may trigger small surges in your metabolism. These things can help but are not the reason people rely on appetite suppressants. Only when they want help controlling their hunger cravings and losing weight is it truly effective.

Many appetite control medications and supplements for obesity have come and gone, but only a few have stood the test of time. Prescription appetite suppressants is one drug category that has been around since the 1950s. They have gone by many different brand names on their own, or part of a combination used to treat obesity. Though many of these have come and gone, some have stood out as safe, and useful tools for weight loss.

Appetite Suppressants are not for everyone, it is always good practice to consult your physician or doctor prior to taking them. That being said, Appetite Suppressants can greatly help weight loss with the addition of a proper diet. For an ideal candidate, appetite control medication is suitable for those above a BMI of 25. Overall exercise performance is encouraged as well. For many patients, this is a great solution. Our medical team can evaluate if appetite control medication is the right solution for you.

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